Yarn stash from Prague
Did I find any yarn shops in Prague? Well I found two of the three recommended by http://www.alltangledup.com/. (her posting of Jan 17th 2006). I googled Prague yarn shops before I left and this blog came up. It was very informative and the directions and addresses were good. Anyway I took a morning to myself and found these two: GALANTERIE and MAR LEN.
Galanterie was a small drapery shop, quite old fashioned by our standards and they had a selection of yarn on half of one wall, and most of it was on sale, however when I chose some their stock was so low that I could only get 2 balls of one yarn and 3 balls of another. It was an amusing experience as I had no Czech and neither of the two ladies had any English.
I moved on then to Mar Len which is like an Aladdin's Cave. At first I thought there was no yarn as when I entered the shop there were the most beautiful array of fabrics, lots of silks, tapestries, etc, lots from the East. Then I spied the Yarn walls. Two short walls of yarn. Lots and lots of it. Some of it man made fibres but lots of cotton, silk and viscose mixes. I really had to restrain myself. Both from space in my bag and space at home. Its ridiculous the temptations that force themselves on me in the way of yarn. Anyway I bought it!
This is the only yarn I bought in MarLen. The colour is a bit bright in the photo, but its lovely shades of beige and cream and I bought enough to make a cardi for me. Its 60% cotton and 30% viscose and 10% acrylic.
These two balls of cotton I bought in Galanterie and I think I will make socks from it. Its 100% cotton and very soft
Galanterie was a small drapery shop, quite old fashioned by our standards and they had a selection of yarn on half of one wall, and most of it was on sale, however when I chose some their stock was so low that I could only get 2 balls of one yarn and 3 balls of another. It was an amusing experience as I had no Czech and neither of the two ladies had any English.
I moved on then to Mar Len which is like an Aladdin's Cave. At first I thought there was no yarn as when I entered the shop there were the most beautiful array of fabrics, lots of silks, tapestries, etc, lots from the East. Then I spied the Yarn walls. Two short walls of yarn. Lots and lots of it. Some of it man made fibres but lots of cotton, silk and viscose mixes. I really had to restrain myself. Both from space in my bag and space at home. Its ridiculous the temptations that force themselves on me in the way of yarn. Anyway I bought it!