I was at the Police concert at Croke Park, Dublin last Saturday night. It was amazing and the band really were good. They played all their old numbers and even updated 'jazzed up' some of them, which I really enjoyed, though I've heard a few complaints that they did. However if you can't move with the times,nobody will listen.

Guitar playing by Andy Summers was amazing, drumming by Stewart Copeland was great, but for me the guitar playing and the voice of Sting really does it. He looks great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His looks, his figure (oh if I could look like that, female version of course) in skinny jeans.

A night of pure rock enjoyment. You can see I'm besotted. ( however i would take a seat rather than stand in future)


Nerdy Knitter said…
Hi Ger--Glad you had a good time. I'm impressed that the musicians were able to keep their energy going, considering they're not getting any younger. Good for them!

Sounds like a great show.
Joanna said…
Thanks for visiting my blog and I appreciate your warm comments about my prizes and ribbons. How did you come to my blog?
Joanna said…
Thanks so much for visiting and commenting. I read Float and Ourl too .... i love how small the internet makes the world seem! Have a lovely day.
Mary said…
Keep on rocking Ger.
Anonymous said…
Wow, I had no idea you were a Sting fan. My family makes fun of me because I am so in love with him!! HeHE Something else we have in common!!

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