Me and Ravelry etc

Intermittent blogging for me lately. I've had a very busy time for the last 2 months, and so have not had my mind on blogging. Have been doing some knitting, photos later, but only small projects which is only using tiny pieces from my stash. Thanks to Isobel and Diane who suggested 'flashing your stash' a while ago, I had to look the stash in the eye and feel guilt ridden for having so much and so little time to do anything with it. And then I won and got a cake of beautiful Rowan yarn to add to the stash!!!!

My daughter had her debs at the beginning of September, DH graduated with his BA in Psychology, then my Mam took sick and so no knitting much

Then on Thursday last, I got my invitation to Ravelry. Oh my God what am I going to do with this? Now fellow bloggers I've copied you all in setting up the blog in the first place and I've really enjoyed it, so I just had to apply also to join Ravelry. Hopefully this will be a smooth ride for me, cos I'm not great at organising myself computerwise. So girls you may even hear a few screams through the blog, should I get frustrated. How long would I need realistically to get myself organised on Ravelry? Advice please!!


Holly said…
Can't give good advice on that. It seemed like a lot of confession I wasn't willing to make online. Can't even get my etsy shop up and going!!
Anonymous said…
ohhhh, Ger...I've been quiet on the blogs lately BECAUSE of Ravelry...It takes time to upload my photos because I'm trying to figure out how to use Flickr (that is a call for help, fellow bloggers) and then there are the "groups" forums and just general perusing...we'll we talk on Tuesday?
Anonymous said…
I spent about a day getting my stash and needles photographed and up there, but I was due a good sorting out anyway and it was worth it in the end.
It's great being able to go in and see what I have without having to rummage through boxes.
For the projects section I didn't put everything up - just ones I could find the information for easily - ones I'd blogged and therefore already had pictures of in Flickr.
I've had a flickr account for ages anyway, so that's no problem.
Anonymous said…
don't panic too much about uploading everything at once, do it a bit at a time- IF u want to. I ony have a small amt of my stash up there. What is good about it, and try this out, is if you upload pics of some yarn that you are not sure what to make with, then search for that same yarn in ravelry and you can see what others are making from it ! Take things slowly, have a few days just checking things out-theres no rush to do anything on it.
LauraLili said…
I'm with Sara - take it slowly and do it in chunks.

For me, the needle organising was something I was hanging out for, so I did that first, then some of my stash, then my WIPs. Of course I've made loads of time to add new projects to my queue, even though I haven't finished my stash by any means...

Try 15 min/visit on getting set up, and you will find you have lods done by the end of the week!
Anonymous said…
Yay, your on Ravelry. Look me up, I'm Sherry on there. What did you use for your name?
Anonymous said…
Great for you. I just got invited too and realised, it takes time to organize your stuff. Take your time, you'll get there.
Nerdy Knitter said…
Hooray--you're in ravelry, too! Now you can join the Mystery Theme Swap group & chat with us about our themes.

What's your username? Mine is careynev. If you tell me your name, I can send you an invite to the group.

Honestly, I don't use the stash or the needles sections. I browse the patterns and put new ones (to me) in my someday queue. I read the group forums and have already met new people that way. And I post my WIPs, with photos from blog entries for status pics.

I really appreciate being able to see a sweater I love on a bunch of different body types.

Let me know what you're using for your username.

Mary said…
I will be up on Ravelry also shortly when I get the time, got my invitation about a month ago. See you there.
Nic said…
Yeah, I'm with the take-it-easy approach to Ravelry. I've mostly been checking out projects I'm interested in and seeing other people's results. I think that's really useful.

I've only added stash and projects for which I already had info/pics - so that wasn't very many. I'm hoping to get more things up there but I don't see it happening soon. The books were easy to add, so maybe start there.

Most importantly...have fun!

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