New Year's Eve 2007

It's New Year's Eve, I can't believe how the year has flown. I've really enjoyed blogging and meeting new blogging friends especially through some of the swaps I've participated in. We have kept in contact with each other also which is lovely. I've had many emails from them too and have learnt lots.
Just before Christmas I got a surprise package from my Treatee, Lucy at Some lovely turquoise mohair yarn and a copy of the winter Interweave knits magazine. I'm really thrilled with it and there are at least three patterns in it that I will definitely knit.
Well a big Happy New Year to you all and Happy Knitting 2008.


Unknown said…
Happy New Year!I'm curious to know what patterns you liked from the Winter Interweave magazine. I like the lacy henley sweater the best! Hope all is well in Dublin!
Anonymous said…
Ger, It has been so wonderful to connect with you through our blogs. I got your christmas ornament and wanted to thank you for being so thoughtful!!! I loved it!! Thank you for the e-card also. I have loved reading your blog and e-mails and look forward to becoming even better blogging buddies in the new year!!! Love Sherry

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