Mystery Theme Swap

My Theme Swap partner Judy sent me a great package which arrived yesterday.

What my parcel contained, yarn, rock cd, knitting needles, magazine, tattoos, stickers, book lover's knit, a toy car, lovely card.

Beautiful Koigu merino yarn and GGH 'Apart'

Tattoos and stickers

The theme she chose for me 'Rock Star', because of my interest in rock music. When I opened it there were 2 cards one of which was to be opened first, and when i did lots of great glittery stars fell out to surprise me. 'Rock star for a day'! Lovely presents, Judy.


Nerdy Knitter said…
I'm so glad it arrived--and that you enjoyed your rockstar gifts! Rock on!

Mary said…
Lovely pressie Ger, you must be so excited. Hope you enjoyed the theme Rock Star.
Unknown said…
Looks like a fun package to get! You mentioned that you might have a sock pattern that would use the Sirdar Town & Country wool or something similar. If you do, could I borrow it? My wool didn't come with a pattern and I don't know where to start! Thanks!


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