Knit Lit

Recently I've been reading some Knitting fiction.

First up was 'The Friday Night Knitting Club' by Kate Jacob.This is the story of a single mother, Georgia, who has her hands full with her yarn shop and raising her teenage daughter. Her Friday knitting club is the place where friendships are made and problems are discussed and helped. This book was slow to get going and indeed I was half way through before I really got into it. I suppose I was slightly disappointed in it having heard all the hype about the movie being made with Julia Roberts starring. I will go and see it though for the curiosity.

Next was 'A Good Yarn' by Debbie Macomber.This is the story of Lydia who has had health issues. She sets up a sock knitting class in her yarn store and through it we meet the lovely people who attend it, and their interesting lives, and the lovely friendships created through it. This book also includes patterns for knitting socks. The characters in this book are well drawn and interesting. Overall I really enjoyed this one.

I've just finished 'Divas Don't Knit' by Gil McNeil. This tells the story of Jo Mackenzie,who is recently widowed and has two small boys. She leaves London for a small seaside town in southern England to take over her grandmother's wool shop. This shop is very old-fashioned and Jo sets about modernising it and indeed updating the idea of knitting. This is a sometimes funny and uplifting book, with some lovely characters. A simple and enjoyable read.

These were really easy reads and great for relaxing.


Anonymous said…
I've read 2 out of the 3 knit lit books. The Friday Night Knitting Club was a big hyped up book, that seemed so long and drawn out. I will definitely see the movie, just because it will probably be a good chic knit flic. A Good Yarn was a much better book and I really liked the characters, but then Debbie Macomber is a well established "chic lit"/romance writer. I plan to read Divas Don't Knit during my next knitting break.
Unknown said…
I've never ready any knit lit. Oh well...maybe some day! How are you? All going well? Your back garden is lovely! I'm finishing up a red cotten sweater for summer. It's more like a shirt...pullover with a button placket like a golf shirt. I'll post a picture when it's done. I just have to finish the neck band and then stitch up the sides and hem it. It's got a cute picot edge all around. Cute, but a pain in the bum to have to hem! Should have thought about that before I knit it! Hope knitting group is fun tonight! I'll be at my own little group here. It's really getting fun. The crazies are a different kind of crazy, but it's entertaining all the same!
Holly said…
I've read one on the list. Wouldn't mind reading one of the others at some point. Hope you're doing well.
Debba said…
Hi Ger - nice review of knit lit. I just got "Comfort Food" - Kate Jacob's new book. (I just interviewed her for my podcast.)
I'm interviewing Debbie Macomber this Friday and would love any phoned in questions/comments. 206-202-9005.

I got some calls and played them today for Carol Duvall in the podcast we taped. She loved it.

Any friends who might have a question for Debbie, please have them call in. Thanks so much! Debba / Girlfriendology
Anonymous said…
hm... it's like they're making a book "for a certain market"...

they probably sat around the table- pointed to the demographics chart projected over their meeting table and talked about strategic plot devices which would ~~appeal~~ to the market.

i am very cynical about publishers!

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