Some Wexford Pictures

Sunday August 24th 2008

I know that the date above reads the 9th August, but that's just because I saved the photos that day. Just if I've confused anyone!

My last post described our few days in the 'Sunny South', but it didn't rain quite all the time we were there. Before we reached our campsite, we stopped at the Wexford Wildfowl sanctuary. This is a really lovely peaceful place where every amenity is supplied to watch the many birds that live and nest here. And great 'hides' to climb up to and watch. Its really lovely and very informative.

Views from the Observation tower. You really could spend a few hours here just watching.

One of the evenings, the sun came out, and while walking a beautiful sunset greeted us as we turned a corner.

A lovely sunny few hours at Kilmore Quay and some of the trawlers in the harbour.

Seagull, waiting to swoop for fish.

Waves crashing on the rocks at Hook Head. A really great place!

While walking around the back of Hook Head lighthouse, we came across this memorial to a Denis Duffin. Presumably lost at sea in the year 2000, a reminder of the strength and the challenge of the sea.


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