My Mam

My Mam, Carmel, passed away on the morning of Nov 21st last after a short illness.
She was gentle, kind, loving, caring and giving.
We will miss her terribly. I don't think it has dawned on us yet.
I will miss the long phone calls, the chats, the gossip, the visits.

May she rest in peace.


Anonymous said…
So very sorry to hear of your mam's passing. Our deepest sympathies to you and your family.
Anonymous said…
Oh Ger. I'm so, so sorry. Thinking of you all.
Anonymous said…
I am truly very sorry to hear of your mam's passing. Our deepest and sincere condolences to you and your family.
Anonymous said…
Hi Ger, I'm sorry to hear that as well. My heart goes to you, Mary and your family. Marta
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry Ger. (hugs)
Holly said…
So sorry to hear that Ger. I know she'd been sick for a while. You and Mary will be in my prayers.
Anonymous said…
Oh Ger, Im so so sorry to hear about your Mum.Our sincere condolences to you and you will be in my thoughts
Unknown said…
Ger, Sorry to hear your mother passed away. I'll be thinking about you extra this holiday season. love you!
Anonymous said…
Ger, I was so sorry to just read of your mothers passing. You will be in my thoughts and prayers this holiday season.

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