I love knitted dishcloths

I can't believe that I haven't posted since January 11th while in the midst of the Big Snow. It's not that I've not been knitting or taking photos, but I just never get down to posting on my own blog. I love reading other's blogs and commenting but I just can't get down to it!

I love to knit anything, but only last year discovered how useful knitted dishcloths are. They was wonderfully and you can boil them, no bother. Until that is, you meet a friend for lunch and on the way home 4 hours later, you get a phone call from your daughter, who is home early from college, to tell you that the house was full of smoke when she came home. It took her a while to discover the problem and she then phoned me. I was on my way home and worried what to expect, but luckily she was home ahead and had doors and windows open. Pictures below tell the tale. You can almost still see the knitted stitches! I think it very well may have gone on fire.
Really really lucky that the whole place did not catch fire. Not sure that smoke alarm was that useful today, which reminds me to check them now.



That's hilarious!! Good thing the house itself didn't go on fire!

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