Technical Tantrums and Eating Yummy things

Although I don't blog too often, its amazing how much I miss it. This week our computer is completely acting up. Its impossible and I am posting this blog from my daughters account on it. There are five of us listed but only this one works. As I am a complete technophobe, I can only barely post text and cannot upload my photos now.
Finished a pair of socks for myself this week and I'm really pleased with them. I used Opal sock yarn in grey, green and a stripe of coral. The colours are a little dull, even for me! But I am going to use them in my gardening clogs as my feet get quite cold in them. I've really had enough of sock knitting for a while. Have started a cardi for myself in a lovely shade of turquoise blue cotton/viscose mix yarn which I purchased in Lidl on one of their specials. Its really soft and I sure hope it keeps its shape.
Have you ever had the problem of having tidied up your stash and even putting some in the charity bag, and the trunk lid won't close? I cant imagine why! Maybe its because I found space for the yarn I bought in Avoca on huge cones.
DH is so busy at the moment with his thesis and study for his finals coming up in May. He's out just now and I have Dire Straits playing at full blast. Don't often get the chance to play it so loud. Spent today in Co Wicklow. Drove to Greystones and Kilcoole where the temperature reached 18C. It was really lovely. Took a takeaway delicious mushroom soup from Avoca at Kilmacanogue on the way, along with a fresh fruit cream meringue. Yummy, yummy. I took it to the beach at Kilcoole where I spent a lovely hour eating and reading my book.


Holly said…
Sounds fantastic. Avoca, I mean. Sorry about the computer, but it's nice to have options.
Diane said…
it was a lovely day, eh? hope your computer gets well soon..otherwise you may want to get a baby sister or brother for Holly's new babe...
Anonymous said…
Glad to see you back, even though temporary measures. Macs really ARE lovely.......(no hints, just stating facts)!
tangelled angel said…
Sounds like a lovely day out!
Sounds like a nice way to spend the day. Oh, I do miss Avoca.

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