Wuthering Heights

I read Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte- www.bookrags.com/notes/wh - for last month's Book Club. I really enjoyed reading it this time round. Had not read it for years and years. I think it was for my English exam in Leaving Cert. I thought it was ok then, but I got a lot more from it this time. It provided for some great discussion at our meeting and everyone got something different from it. Not sure that I would agree it was romantic as the blurb on the cover suggests, but it sure is passionate. How anyone lived under these curcumstances is unbelievable even for that time in the early 1800s. Nellie the housekeeper is the only 'sensible' one among them if a little sly and clever, even though Heathcliff and Catherine are among the most well-known characters. Although these names are repeated through the generations, making the read a bit confusing at times. For anyone who likes to read the classics, I would recommend this one.
Book for April is also a classic - Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Looking forward to it.


Diane said…
i remember reading wuthering heights in high school, i thought it was very dark and gloomy. we also read pride and prejudice in our final year. it is now my favourite classic...just love Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy
Mary said…
These are some of my favourite books and films. I just loved Wuthering Heights and I remember reading Pride and Prejudice for my Leaving Cert which I really enjoyed.
Aileen said…
I read wuthering heights a few years ago and was so 'upset' by it that I couldn't finish it! You know when he leaves? I couldn't take it. It's the only book I've ever left unfinished. It was giving me weird dreams and I kept obsessing about it during the day...! Obviously, a great book. Another book in that vein that I really enjoyed - and actually killed reading novels for me in a way - was Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte). It's such an epic, engrossing story that I haven't really been able to enjoy any novel I've read since :D Sorry I missed you at the knit meet! looks like the new venue's a real hit!

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