100th Post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Everyone! My 100th post. A big Thanks to all of you who have made my blogging life a pleasure, reading and commenting. I haven't forgotten about the draw I promised for all who comment on this and my last blog post. I will draw next Monday, October 13th!

I can't believe that been it's over a month since I last posted on my blog. I've been really busy with lots of things. Been on holidays for 2 weeks to France in early September, hence the pictures posted on the blog this morning. Facing autumn and winter, I thought it would cheer us up to see some pictures from Monet's house and garden in Giverny, west of Paris. This is truly a beautiful village and the house and gardens are really gorgeous. On the day we visited it rained, but despite the wetness, we spent a very pleasant few hours. The colours in the gardens are beautiful and are my favourite pastels and sunflowers. Any artist would be inspired.

On the knitting front, I've been neglecting the knitting lately in order to finish the 2nd crochet sock yarn blanket for my other daughter who is waiting patiently for it, and just started to knit some teeny tiny hats for the 'Innocent Smoothie Big Knit'. ie Little woolly hats will be put on the smoothie bottles in Topaz stores from 5th Nov next, and for every hat-wearing smoothie sold, Innocent and Topaz will give 1e to Age Action. A good cause, with a little but enjoyable effort!

More info at www.innocentdrinks.ie/thebigknit


Anonymous said…
Good for you, Ger on many things...
...100th post
...spending time in France
...being a good mam who makes things for her daughter
...participating in the Big Knit
Lots of good things happening in your part of the world! Congrats!
Anonymous said…
Happy 100th post, Ger. Congratulations on all your achievements in all aspects of your family and social life. Keep going, and I look forward to your 200th post.
Holly said…
Congrats on the 100th post. The pictures look lovely and I'm really loving your sock yarn blanket!

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