
Hi there! Haven't had time to blog for the last week. Life's been so hectic with family member in hospital. However, I have been knitting lately, for my sanity, with the Big Knit involving teeny tiny hats for Innocent Smoothies/Topaz oil. These little hats will top Innocent Smoothie bottles sold in Topaz oil shops from November 4th next.
For every smoothie sold with a little hat, Innocent/Topaz will give 1 euro to Age Action Ireland.
It is hoped that 20,000e will be raised by this venture.
Good Luck to all involved.


Mary said…
Look great Ger, well done.
Holly said…
Great job on the hats. Did a couple myself down at The Yarn Room stand. Love the new look of your blog. See you soon.
Anonymous said…
Hi Ger! I've seen other little hats and 'ooh' and 'aah' over them every time I see them! Great cause too! Well done on that!

Sorry to hear of family in hospital...hope recovery is speedy.

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