Ravelry 10 dollar swap

I joined the 10 dollar swap over at Ravelry. It's really good fun cos it does not cost a lot and it's amazing what you can put together to treat your swap partner. Today my parcel arrived from Giulia in Italy and she spoiled me with lovely treats. Italian art bookmark calendar, gorgeous pink merino/acrylic yarn which is so soft, yummy chocolate and other lovely little treats. Thank you very much Giulia.

This is a sock yarn beret which I have just finished for my daughter. I was very pleased with the result, but alas it's too small. Not to worry though as I've just unravelled it from the top and am knitting it again. I will make it longer to the decreasing and it should solve the problem.

Last weekend I finished this pair of socks for myself. Given the really cold weather we are currently having, they are very welcome to keep my feet warm.


dacg said…
Oh...I just mailed my pkg. to my swapee today. I like your blog...
Mary said…
Love the socks - nice legs too, pity about the beret- what a bummer and no, not more yarn.
Brian said…
You could wear trousers, they'd help keep you warm too....:P
Steven Brown said…
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