Had a lovely time on Saturday last at our Stitch n Bitch meeting in Barnie's in Dublin. Lots of new faces too. Started a lace scarf from Mag Knits in Kidsilk Haze yarn. Had some fun getting it started with the beads. It took almost an hour to get that part done. However had about 5cms knitted by the time I left. BUT Sat night while knitting some more, made a mistake and there was nothing for it but to rip it all back, beads and all. Not sure if I'll pick it up again soon.
Finished off the 2nd pair of SS for C, as the other pair seemed to work well. These were in navy blue Debbie Bliss Merino wool DK. While they are really great, I think that the Jaegar Merino wool yarn was better, softer and easier to knit with.
Last night took up the lacy scarf once again and this is what I've done of it. I expect it will be slow progress.
This morning had a French conversation class. Have not been for about a year so it was hard going to refresh the language once again. We were just five including our teacher, but it was very enjoyable. We spent 1 and 1/2 hours conversing in French which with my level of language is quite challenging.


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