Coffee, pastry and books

Spent a lovely morning in Dublin today. Beaucoup des hommes Francais pour le 'Match'. Unfortunately we did not win. Had a great cherry and almond pastry with my cappucino in
West Coast coffee on the quays. Its a lovely place for a cuppa and the staff are friendly.
Went to visit the new 'Chapters' bookshop in Parnell Street. While there aren't many knitting books, there are certainly lots and lots of books here and some chairs to relax.
Finished two Newsboy hats (pattern from Stitch n Bitch nation). Had a bit of trouble with the peak, only because I had read the pattern incorrectly. Anyway got 1st hat done for myself and my daughter liked it so much that I just finished another for her last night. Have no batteries in my camera so can't post pictures.


Anonymous said…
Hope you get some batteries soon cuz we wanna see 'em!
Diane said… are a super fast knitter. I finally made it out to springwools
TeaandCakes said…
Ohhh, pictures soon, please!

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