Reading Again

Some books I've read recently.
One Day in the life of Ivan Denisovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

This was April/May's book club choice. I actually enjoyed it mostly. Although the theme is a depressing one the writer really makes you feel that you are part of this prisoner's life in a labour camp in Siberia. The humanity, caring, sympathetic and sharing nature of the prisoners really shines through despite the harsh conditions and treatment. This is also a story of the struggle for personal and spiritual well-being.Its no wonder that A Solzhenitsyn won the nobel prize for literature in 1970.

The Illustrated Olive Farm by Carol Drinkwater

A while back I read the 3 Olive Farm books by this author and I really enjoyed them. How this actress met Michel, a French film director, fell in love and bought an old dilapidated olive farm in Provence in Southern France. The books were thoroughly enjoyable, warm, amusing and very appealing. This is essentially a love story on many levels, both personal and of the country and its people. This illustrated edition is absolutely beautiful and tell the abridged version of their lives and is magnificently produced with lots and lots of photos. I recommend this strongly.

Lover's Hollow by Orna Ross

This is a great read for a first novel from this Irish author. It tells the story of love and revenge between families during a time of war and aftewards thoroughout the generations. Unputdownable once you get into it. Great holiday read.

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