Cocoa swap - Again!

My swap partner, Angie, at, received her gifts at the weekend and I think she really likes them. I really enjoyed getting the gifts together for her. As it was her birthday on Monday last, why not pop over and send her a wish.
Looking forward to receiving my parcel now.
Happy Valentines Day to all my blog readers.


Anonymous said…
I'm not as good a partner as you are - your package is still at my house. But the last item will be here tomorrow, and then off to the post. I've enjoyed getting everything for you and hope you feel the same once it arrives at your house.

Your cocoa swap partner
Ger said…
Hello to my cocoa swap partner. Thanks for your comment. I love looking forward to parcels, as that's just as much fun. I'm enjoying reading all the other blogs too. Have a Happy Valentine's Day, and looking forward to getting to know you soon. Ger

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