Recent Knitting

This shawl was knitted in Kid Silk Haze. I had trouble with it from the word go, as I've blogged before. It started out as Birch from a Rowan pattern but after two mistakes and ripping, I managed to find a pattern from the Lana Grossa site and it was quite easy once I got going. The edge I crocheted after.

These are pictures of the 'blah buddy' I knitted for my cocoa swap partner at She has named her 'Missy', which I think really suits her.The pattern was my own, out of my head, and was knitted in some left over sock yarn. I can't remember which one, but I think it had cotton in the mix. I was quite pleased with her.


Anonymous said…
Your shawl is really pretty!! I have yet to master KSH. I have made several attempts but nothing has stuck. I am thinking about knitting it with another yarn, then at least it will get used. ;) I hope you had a nice Valentines Day. We got a puppy!
Holly said…
The shawl is beautiful! I love that colour. You're brave to try Kid Silk Haze after the last time. Missy is cute as well. You've been busy.
Mary said…
Well Ger, excuse my ignorance but you will have to explain to me what a blah buddy is when we next meet. Love the shawl, hope it is for you.
Unknown said…
I really like the shawl. It's gorgeous! I'll see you soon.
Brian said…
I second Mary's question. Is a blah buddy something to do with a soft white roll from Waterford?
Anonymous said…
Hi Ger! I am hoping your cocoa swap package has arrived. My post office assured me it would be there last week!

Your Cocoa Swap Pal

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