Flickr Success

I felt after yesterday's rant that I should blog today to say that I had success in uploading my pictures and posting them on Ravelry. Just logged on to Ravelry this morning and thought that it would be just the same as last evening, but Bingo!! uploading worked!! Seems like there was a glitch on Flickr's system and others had the same problem.
Onwards and upwards. I am not very techno aware and last night was the last straw. You know how it feels when you think your doing something wrong computerwise? Well everytime I tackle something new, I always have the jitters and think that I won't be able to do it, and also afraid that I'll make a complete mess. And so when something does not work, I just assume it's me doing something wrong. But today I feel better and the success at publishing the pictures on Ravelry gives me the impetus to carry on.
End of rant!!


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