Knitted Finished Objects

As promised, some of my recent FO's. I'm currently laid up with a damaged knee and so have time to upload some pictures, read some blogs and catch up on some blog posting. Short scarf and hand warmers for a gift. Just have to get a brooch fixing for the flower on the scarf so it can be closed over. Yarn used is Rowan Cashsoft 4ply.
Comfy lounge socks for a gift, also knit with Rowan Cashsoft 4ply.

Socks for the man in my life. Knitted two pairs but the other pair is being washed already, although only given as a birthday gift 2 days ago. Appreciation!

And last up my Annis scarf/shawl. I knit this about 6 weeks ago and while it was difficult to get the pattern going, I'm really thrilled with the result. The pattern was from Knitty and the yarn I used is Manos Lace which is really soft and lovely to wear.
Today I knit a couple of hats for the Innocent Big Knit. I have just over 20 little hats knit now and when I'm done I'll take a photo.


Woolly Bits said…
hi Ger, thanks for your comment on my blog! I just browsed around on yours - nice knitting! I wanted to do the Annis myself, but didn't get around to start - yet...
I use chaenomeles either steam-juiced and worked into jelly, or sometimes I cut out the cores, cook it all into a mash and sieve it through, into a kind of smooth jam. both are very tasty - and you can always add some cinnamon or cloves (or both)to give it more flavour. the one thing they don't do - they don't turn to this lovely rosy colour in jelly, the way real quinces do. but the real quince tree doesn't like it here (never had a single fruit in the last 12 years or so:(() and the chaenomeles grow like mad:))

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