A Happy Hooker - Happily Hooked!

Recently a knitting friend, Cheryl www.asimpleyarn.net, was destashing some books and I relieved her of 'The Happy Hooker' by Debbie Stoller. Now over the years I've made various attempts at crochet, took classes, read books etc, but never managed to crochet squares. I could manage to crochet a little in the round, but squares left me baffled. Anyway I took this book and some spare yarn to knitnight last week and I became absorbed in crocheting a square. I was so delighted with myself, and felt I could use up some of my stash by crocheting some squares.
Well not only did I not use my stash, but I bought some yarn at my LYS and started some squares to put together for a blanket. I'm hooked, and I just can't stop.

These are the squares so far. I think they look great and I am really chuffed.
I'll have to look for a knitting project also.


Anonymous said…
Oh, I also crochet! I learned that before knitting. And do think that it is faster - for me at least. Granny squares go wonderfully fast. There is a CAL/blog devoted to granny squares - I'll see if I can find the url for you.

Your Cocoa swap pal
Holly said…
Well done Ger. They look great. Never have been able to manage learning to crochet.
Mary said…
Looks great Ger, Daisy will be delighted with her new rug.
Anonymous said…
Isn't it a great book? I warn you that once you start Granny Squares you'll just keep finding new ways to make and use them. Enjoy!
Nerdy Knitter said…
I'm so impressed--I've been struggling with the temptation to learn to crochet...must resist until I get a few more completed projects on my list.

Congrats on the new skill!

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