MMM Hot Cocoa Swap/

Well on another and brighter note, I've just signed up for another swap. A hot cocoa swap, the idea of which is to brighten up the month of February which can be quite a dull month, neither winter nor spring and with Christmas past. So I am looking forward to meeting other like-minded bloggers.


1 What is you favourite way to drink cocoa? Prepared with milk? water? from homemade recipe or store bought? In a tea cup or a big mug?
I usually have store bought 'Cadburys' cocoa or drinking chocolate prepared with skimmed milk.
And I prefer a mug.

2 Marshmallows or whipped cream?
Preferably whipped cream.


1 What is your favourite type of yarn? In which colours?
I like natural yarns, non scratchy. I love cotton, bamboo, silk and soft wools, and mixes of same.
I love creams,beiges, pinks,blues, pale grey and mostly pastels

2 Do you knit, crochet or both?
Primarily I knit. I can do just a few basic crochet stitches.

3 What are your favourite type of needles? Would you like to try something new?
My favourite currently are Addi circulars. I find them great and they take the strain off my arms while knitting. I have used steel ones and bamboos.

4 Do you have a healthy supply of notions?
Yes and No.I do some sewing and am forever looking things in different places. A new year resolution of mine is to try and sort things.

5 What one thing do you keep thinking you need to buy for your knitting habit? (outside of yarn)
Thimbles, stitch markers and small scissors. I can never find them.

6 What is your favourite 'quick knit/crochet' pattern? (quick gratification)
Hats, scarves, or bags. I like knitting socks too, but they take a little longer.


1 What is your favourite thing to do in winter?
If the weather is crisp and dry, I like walking alone listening to my radio. I like to knit almost every day, although I don't get half enough done, and I love to browse through my patterns longingly. I am also an avid reader and love to go to bed early with a good book.

2 What is your favourite animal?
I have a yellow labrador, whom I take for walks every day.

3 Do you get the winter 'blahs'?
Sometimes. I do think that after Christmas can be like that especially. Lots of cleaning up to do and with the longer days all the work ahead shows up.

4 What is your favourite way to beat the 'blahs'?
Take a book, and go to a lovely store about 20 mins away to read, have coffee/chocolate and something delicious to eat. Or a branch of this store which is up in the mountains and is really lovely. A bit of a longer drive but worth it for the view. Meet up for knitting night with friends.

5 What is the thing you are most looking forward to in the spring?
To be able to get out into the garden, plant a few seeds/bulbs and wait for the weather to get warmer to sit out and barbecue. (with a bit of knitting thrown in)

6 What is your favourite treat?
Chocolate. (unflavoured, I prefer just chocolate with no flavours in it)

7 What is your favourite board game?
Its a very long time since I played one, but I used to love 'trivial pursuit'.

8 Do you have children? (furry or human)
Yes, but they are grown now. My youngest has now gone to college. Two of them still live at home with us. And our dog.

9 Do you have any allergies or special consideration your partner should know about?
Not really, except sensitive skin, so I don't like scratchy yarn next to my skin.


Anonymous said…
So glad you got your swap info after all! I considered moving you to Lesley's group and ask her to have you swap to me... which would have been totally selfish.. ;-) I lived for a year in Cork, when I was in college. Loved Ireland so much that I considered and applied for grad school there. Unfortunately, the financial aid I needed was not something that they could offer. Beautiful country you live in, and I hope to one day visit it again. That Cadbury's chocolate you have there is just phenomenal, and the stuff that's exported to the states, well.. it's good, in comparison to our 'Hershey's'.. but not the same as the Cad's you have in Ireland. My favorite candies were the Crunchie's and oh shoot.. those cadbury chocolates with mint crunchies mixed in.. I forget what they were called... I miss my local pub, and the local fish and chips place.. oh yummmm... chips with vinegar heaven in a paper bag! :-)
Anonymous said…
Oh, glad to see you've got your questionnaire posted. I used to have a large dog that loved going for walks. He was 4, but still had that wonderful puppy playfulness but more manners than a puppy!

Your Cocoa Swap Partner
Anonymous said…
Yay for the hot cocoa swap! I'm with you for sure on simple cocoa, but anything chocolate is good when feeling blah-ish!
Ger said…
Hi 'Anonymous', great to hear from you as my secret pal. Looking forward to getting to know you, later. I only got into swaps last year and I really love them.

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