Knitting for 2008. - Help!

Well I have all sorts of knitting project plans, whether they will come to pass is another thing, if the start of them is anything to go by. Last year I got a cone of lovely beige/cream slub yarn which seems to be linen/cotton mix. It has been sitting in my stash among many others. However while I have about 2/3 of the back done, I realise that my knitted piece is 'leaning' to one side. This has happened to me before, but only when I've attempted to knit with chenille yarns. I am really frustrated with it and don't know whether to proceed or just rip back. I think I'll attempt blocking the piece as it is and see what happens. Any ideas anyone?


Anonymous said…
Isn't it Maggie Jackson who does all of that diagonally-designed knitting stuff? I'd say incorporate the slant into a new avant garde design! :-) The trick will be to get the other side to do the same!
Anonymous said…
Hello Ger! I'm your Cocoa swap partner and I'm looking forward to getting to know you a bit through your blog. You've obviously done a better job of it than I did setting mine up - my learning curve is still AWFULLY steep! How's Ravelry going for you? I got my invite, but haven't taken the time to join. Yikes!

And before ripping, I'd try blocking the knitting. At least that way, if you do rip, you will at least know that you did all you could. Happy knitting - your Cocoa Pal

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