Hot Cocoa Swap Scavenger Hunt

1 Whose favourite animal is an otter?
Anne K

2 Name someone who prefers whipped cream with their cocoa.
Geraldine P

3 Find 3 people who live outside of the US
Alex E, Geraldine P, Clarissa R

4 Name a fan of Harry Potter
Devin H

5 Name someone who crochets
Felicia R

6 Name someone who DOES NOT have a healthy supply of notions
Sarah R

7 Name someone who has not put their questionnaire up yet
Rhonda C Jan 9th 00.15

8 Who likes to have Kahlua, Baileys, or Peppermint Schnapps in their cocoa
Rachel C

9 Name someone who knits fingerless gloves as a 'quick knit'
Tanya M

10 Name someone who is looking forward to gardening this spring
Geraldine P

11 Whose favourite way to drink cocoa is with a gorgeous Frenchman while overlooking the Eiffel Tower from a French cafe?
Kris L

12 Name someone whose favourite animal is NOT a dog or house cat
Angela T

13 Name someone whose favourite treat is NOT chocolate
Tricia R

14Who plays Candyland

15 Name someone who DOESN'T get the winter blahs
Cathy D


Anonymous said…
Hi Cocoa Swap Partner! I was shopping yesterday and bought the I supplies for what I think I'm sending as your "mood buster buddy!"

It's definately hot cocoa weather here. Hope you are staying nice and snug with a hot cup of cocoa by your side!

Your cocoa buddy

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