Sunshine - in Prague

Just back from a few days holiday in the beautiful city of Prague. Here are a few pictures. Will write a bit later. Just enjoying the little teeny bit of sunshine here in Ireland while I can.

These particular ones were taken either inside the castle area or the view from the top. Glorious sunshine!!


Anonymous said…
Welcome back, Ger! The photos are really lovely! Glad you had some sunshine to enjoy...
Anonymous said…
Looks fantastic!! Which castle was it that you were taking the pictures from? Ive always wanted to go to Prague.
Anonymous said…
Great pictures. I am glad you are getting some much needed sunshine!!
Anonymous said…
OK.. totally jealous. I wanna be able to just 'pop over' to Prague for a few days!!
Mary said…
Looks great Ger. wish the weather would pick up here but I believe it is to be glorious next week in time for my hols
Lien said…
Oooh, nice. Great time to get some sun. I was in Prague a few years ago during the Great European Heat Wave, and it was 40 C in the shade. We about died. However, looking back at the Irish summer we've been getting...40 C sounds good.
Holly said…
Looks amazing! We would love to go there at some point. Nice to see some sun, even though is a little way from Ireland.

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