A Little Sunshine

On Sunday last we had a little bit of sunshine, so we took a drive to Co Wicklow. We visited the lovely Mount Usher gardens in Ashford, near to Wicklow town. We had a great take away lunch from the little bakery, run by Avoca and it was really delicious.

I found this little ladybird basking in the sunshine!

Some waterlilies in a little pond to the side of the river

In the palm garden, found this 'totem pole'! Because the bottom part of this palm plant had been trimmed, I thought it looked just like a totem pole.

Unusual shaped tree with great weeping branches

A view up the river from near the bottom of the gardens. Beautiful Acer trees with the red foliage. If you look really carefully to the right of the picture beyond the gate, you might see the artist at work. What a great place to spend the afternoon painting.


Mary said…
I knew you would have to go somewhere that included food from Avoca. Must pay a visit myself some day.

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