Me and Ravelry etc
Intermittent blogging for me lately. I've had a very busy time for the last 2 months, and so have not had my mind on blogging. Have been doing some knitting, photos later, but only small projects which is only using tiny pieces from my stash. Thanks to Isobel and Diane who suggested 'flashing your stash' a while ago, I had to look the stash in the eye and feel guilt ridden for having so much and so little time to do anything with it. And then I won and got a cake of beautiful Rowan yarn to add to the stash!!!! My daughter had her debs at the beginning of September, DH graduated with his BA in Psychology, then my Mam took sick and so no knitting much Then on Thursday last, I got my invitation to Ravelry. Oh my God what am I going to do with this? Now fellow bloggers I've copied you all in setting up the blog in the first place and I've really enjoyed it, so I just had to apply also to join Ravelry. Hopefully this will be a smooth ride for me, cos I'm not great ...
Suggest you might try clicking on the pictures and dragging the top 3 down the post below the ones you want at the top?