Current reading

While our January weather is mild and we have had no frost or snow, I am engrossed in a really good book called Sun at Midnight by Rosie Thomas (see: "Books" on sidebar). It is a love story and adventure set in Antarctica at a scientific research station. The prose is beautiful and you really feel the atmosphere of Antarctica - glistening snow, and beautiful light. The book is full of dramatic twists and adventure and is not just a 'chic lit' romance. Rosie Thomas is a passionate writer and is very easy to read.
I have just realised also that my next Book Club meeting is on Tuesday the 16th which is only a week away, and I must have my next book read by then, so better hurry up with this one.

Have not set up any big knitting project yet for New Year. Just working on a cream scarf at the moment. Its difficult to make a choice, as I have so much yarn in stash.


Diane said…
I am very honoured to be placed on your Knitting Friends List...Where do you find the time to knit and read??? Not only are you "Supermom", you must be able to read & knit at the same time, eh?
Wahoo, absolutely delighted to see you have started a blog Ger. Welcome to the blogsphere - hope you have fun.

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