Parcel problem

A little seasonal wintry weather for the last few days. Must say it was really lovely. Bright frosty mornings, really lovely for walking. Stuck in though awaiting parcel from Germany. Its taking soooooooo long to arrive. Attempted delivery before Christmas when I was not at home, but no advice to say they had tried, so parcel was returned to sender. Am now waiting for its arrival since last week and I'm becoming a little stir-crazy. An Post truly provide a better service than this particular courier company.
Spent an hour in the garden yesterday, a little weeding and a little late daffodil bulb planting, (at least I think they are daffodils cos I had not labelled them) hope they flower.
SS are nearly finished. Could not blog about these up to now. Will talk later. Almost finished a hat for me in Kureyon Shinano which I blogged about earlier. Its looking good. Also made two cushions for our two lovely new armchairs. I got some extra fabric at same time to make them. I think I've put my parcel waiting time to some good use.
Will have a read of some knitting books on loan from library today and maybe consider a new project.


tangelled angel said…
Well I suppose that I did use the same colour yarn and got it from UK Alpaca too. I actually found the pattern last night,can you believe, and there is no mention of the designers name on them that was used in Simply KNitting! I reckon Simply KNitting just went and bought the pattern off UK Alpaca and used it. The instructions are identical.
Oh, and I found an ad in the Metro this morning for a book club gathering in Ennis, actually its the Ennis Bookclub Festival. There is a website for it :
I thought of you immediately when I read about it! There is a charge though, a reduced rate of €50 is available on a full weekend ticket booked before Monday the 5th Feb, ticket includes admission to all festival events, excluding an Edna O Brien reading and film screenings (doesnt say how much for those)
See you soon
tangelled angel said…
Oh, and I was trying to email you and got a bounce back as I was replying from your posting! Doh
Diane said… is cold and YOU are out in the garden???? and you said you were not a supermom!

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