This is the moon rising over the Irish Sea at Bray in Co Wicklow. Had a really good day on Tuesday last. Took my daughter and friend to Powerscourt, which was lovely, if a little cold. Had good lunch there. (its really worth a visit). Then on to Bray where I took this photo.

Today I visited the new 'Borders' bookshop in the Town Centre at Blanchardstown. I spent about 2 hours there and could have spent longer browsing and having great coffee in Starbuck's which is upstairs in the store. The store is very well laid out and had a good selection of books, mags and music. I will definitely will be going back. Got a knitting calendar at half price with patterns for every day of the year.!


Brian said…
you'll have to finish every pattern on that calendar now...
Diane said…
I finally found your blog. Congratulations and welcome to the blogshere.
Mary said…
Hi Ger, loved the photograph and love the new blog

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