New Year

Happy New Year.
As you can see I finished my daughter's cardi, and I'm really pleased with it.She is too and has worn it since. It took ages to sew up and as for the Zip!!!! After tacking it I sewed it in with my sewing machine, but when done, the front was puckered. But after a good steam pressing, it looked great.
Just started on a cream scarf for myself, but need to set something else on needles also, as I find scarf knitting a bit boring. So I will shortly look through my large stash, and find another project to do.


Holly said…
Hey Ger, The cardi looks fantastic. Can't believe how much blogging you've done. PHOTO's too!! Great job.
Diane said…
that cardi looks amazing!!!
Anonymous said…
Wow! I leave town for a few days and all this has happened! Well, a hearty congratulations to you on your blog (well done!) and the finished cardy (again, well done!). Many happy posts to you in the future!
Mary said…
The Cardigan looks brilliant

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