Conn's Comment

Mary, and all those wondering about Conn's comment on the 'Mousse' posting. When my daughter opened the fridge on the 'Mousse' evening, what did she find on the shelf, but my camera. It seems that when I took the bowl out to take a photo for my blog I left the camera on the shelf!!
Watch out all you bloggers, its amazing how blogging can distract the mind!


Anonymous said…
The fridge seems to be a perfectly reasonable place to store a camera - then it's right on hand to take pictures of the next dessert!
Anonymous said…
Hope the camera is not out...
Diane said…
oh, Ger...remember our conversation on Saturday?? this blogging thing can be obsessive, eh?? maybe, i need to look in your fridge, it appears I've misplaced my USB cable for my camera...
Diane said…
oh, i just noticed the "new look" the colour orange
Brian said…
I bet you had your camera on self timer to take a photograph. Then you would see if the light goes out when the fridge door closes, and answer one of the great mystical questions of our time.... No-one would be laughing then.

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