
I've just realised that I have not posted in over a week. Been so busy lately. I'm knitting some baby things at the moment and also have a turquoise cotton cardi on the needles for myself. Off to the same old habit of having a number of knitting projects on the go as usual and finding it difficult to finish one thing before starting another. I'm afraid I'm like that at everyhing else too.
A friend of mine became a grandmother for the first time a week ago, so am knitting a pair of bootees and a little jumper which I hope to finish shortly. Just hate the thought of sewing up a project.
Last Saturday, I spent the day with two friends wandering around the lovely County of Kilkenny.Firstly, off to visit the Alpaca farm at Hillview Alpacas which is near Castlecomer. The weather was really gorgeous and we found the place easily enough. Gabrielle is just starting our on her venture of Llama rearing/farming for their alpaca yarn. While the little shop is small enough, you can get a good idea about the yarn and how it looks. Gabrielle is lovely and really friendly and she took us out to see two of the male llamas, which are really cute and cheeky. I took some photos but unfortunately my camera batteries were used and none came out.
Then we drove on to Castlecomer to see the craft shops at the Estate. These are lovely too, but some are still under construction and a coffee shop will be open shortly.
Onwards to Bennetsbridge to visit Nicholas Mosse's workshop/craftshop and great coffee shop where we had a great lunch. Some delicious chicken pie with salad for me and for dessert apple crumble pie. Just delicious!!
Not finished yet we drove on yet again towards Thomastown and found a car park above the lovely River Nore in brilliant sunshine and relaxed. We also knitted some and had a glass of smooth red wine!!! How lovely a day it was.


Diane said…
Ger, I will need to hire you as my tour guide...oh the places you have been
Mary said…
I will have to go there sometime. I met some llamas in Tipperary and they don't take much looking after and would be quite self sufficient for 2 weeks if you wanted to go away on holidays.
Sounds like you had a great time. It's good to hear that the weather in Ireland is so fab at the moment.

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