A good day

Its my birthday today. Enough to say that the number doesn't matter. Got a gift of a lovely gardening stool complete with tools from DH and you'll never guess what was wrapped with it! Copy of a draft of some of his thesis for proof reading!! on my Birthday!! Needless to say, I haven't had a chance yet to even look at it.
I've been so busy going to yarn shop for patterns, (K was in a good mood today) Then I just had to meet a sister for coffee/lunch. After that I took a long walk and on the way to the supermarket to purchase this evening's dinner (an Indian takeaway) so that I don't have to cook.
So far have had a really good day, and hope to have a little glass of good red wine later.


TeaandCakes said…
Happy Birthday Ger!
Anonymous said…
Yes, a very happy birthday to you Ger. Sounds like a lovely day (except for the thesis proofing, that is!)
tangelled angel said…
Happy birthday Ger!! Hope you enjoyed the day!
Lien said…
Happy birthday! I would take the thesis proofreading as a *great* birthday present. It means he's almost done, which means y'all will be much much happier in just a little while. How much more can you ask for on a birthday?
Belated Happy Birthday. Hope you enjoyed the day.
Brian said…
ahem. A "little glass"?
Diane said…
I hope you enjoyed your birthday, Ger. Btw, I've been "following" you and adding in my Easter greetings in knitty blogsphere...Happy Easter to you!!!

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