December 1st 2010

Just a few weeks now till Christmas and here in Ireland we are almost 'snowed' in and I'm sure this is having a terrible effect on businesses this near to Christmas. Not sure how long this will last but it's very early for us to have this amount of snow.
As it's December and I've not been blogging very much, I'll try to post each day now till the
Big Day! I'm sure I'll find something to say.
These are the pictures from inside my house just 10 mins ago!

Back garden
Bamboos in the garden, sprinkled with snow

Bare snowy trees, really beautiful

Through the front door glass

From my kitchen window. Snow makes everything look clean and beautiful.
Would love to go walking but alas my knee which I injured 6weeks ago, keeps me inside.
Off to finish some knitting and have a coffee.


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